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Fundamentals Training

You are now on the path to writing reproducible and scalable scientific workflows using Nextflow. This guide complements the full Nextflow documentation - if you ever have any doubts, please refer to that.

Let's get started!

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Learning objectives

By the end of this course you should:

  • Write simple Nextflow workflows
  • Describe the Nextflow concepts of Channels, Processes and Operators
  • Have an understanding of containerized workflows
  • Understand the different execution platforms supported by Nextflow
  • Describe the Nextflow community and ecosystem

Audience & prerequisites

Please note that this is not a beginner's workshop and familiarity with Nextflow, the command line, and common file formats is assumed.


  • A GitHub account
  • Experience with command line
  • An understanding of common file formats

Follow the training videos

Free online training events for this course are run approximately every six months. Videos are streamed to YouTube and questions are handled in the nf-core Slack community.

You can watch the recording of the most recent training (March, 2024) in the YouTube playlist below:


Please note that the training material is updated regularly and that the videos may be out of date.

If English is not your preferred language, you may find it useful to follow the training from the March 2023 event, which is available in multiple languages.