Nextflow Training¶
Welcome to the Nextflow community training portal!
These training materials are open source and free to use for anyone. They are hosted in a GitHub repository along with example scripts and development configuration.
Whilst you can follow the materials any time, you'll probably get the most out of them by joining an organized training event. Free online events are organized regularly with the nf-core community, see the nf-core events page for more.
We have several workshops available on this website - find the one that's right for you!
Training Environment Setup¶
Environment Setup
Essential for setting up your Gitpod for the first time.
An essential tutorial for setting up your Gitpod environment for the first time.
Nextflow Training¶
Fundamentals Training
This is the primary Nextflow training material used in most Nextflow and nf-core training events.
The fundamentals training material includes all things Nextflow. Perfect for anyone looking to get to grips with using Nextflow to run analyses and build workflows.
Advanced Training
This is the Nextflow training material used in advanced training events.
Advanced material exploring the advanced features of the Nextflow language and runtime, and how to use them to write efficient and scalable data-intensive workflows.
Applied Training¶
Hello Nextflow
This course is a short workshop to introduce you to Nextflow.
A "learn by doing" tutorial that will take you from running tools on the command line into running your first Nextflow pipelines.
Configure the execution of an nf-core pipeline
This course will help you to understand how to customize the execution of an nf-core pipeline.
A "learn by doing" tutorial focusing on the configuration of nf-core pipelines.
Develop a pipeline with the nf-core template
This course will help you to understand the structure of the nf-core pipeline template.
A "learn by doing" pipeline development tutorial focusing on developing a pipeline with the nf-core template.
Simple RNA-seq variant calling
This course is quite short and hands-on, great if you want to practice your Nextflow skills.
A "learn by doing" tutorial focusing on theory, instead of leading through exercises of slowly increasing complexity.
Troubleshooting exercises
This course will help you troubleshooting common pipeline errors.
A "learn by doing" troubleshooting tutorial for pipeline developers and users.
Quick reference to some handy links:
Reference | Community |
Nextflow Docs | Nextflow Slack |
Nextflow Homepage | nf-core |
Seqera | Seqera Community |
Not sure where to go? Check out the Getting help page.
Credits and contributions¶
All training material was originally written by Seqera but has been made open-source (CC BY-NC-ND) for the community.
We welcome fixes and improvements from the community. Every page has a icon in the top right of the page, which will take you to GitHub where you can edit the training source material via a pull request.