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Next Steps

Congrats again on completing the Hello Nextflow training course and thank you for completing our survey!

Here are our top 3 recommendations for what you can do next to take your Nextflow skills to the next level.

1. See how what you just learned applies to a scientific analysis use case

Check out the Nextflow for Science page for a list of short standalone courses that demonstrate how to apply the basic concepts and mechanisms presented in Hello Nextflow to common scientific analysis use cases.

If you don't see your domain represented by a relatable use case, let us know in the Community forum so we can add it to our development list.

2. Delve into the details

In the Hello Nextflow course, we keep the level of technical complexity low on purpose to avoid overloading you with information you don't need in order to get started with Nextflow. As you move forward with your work, you're going to want to learn how to use the full feature set and power of Nextflow.

To that end, we are currently working on a collection of Side Quests, which are meant to be short standalone courses that go deep into specific topics like testing, metadata handling, using conditional statements and the differences between working on HPC vs. cloud.

In the meantime, feel free to browse the Fundamentals Training and Advanced Training to find training exercises about the topics that interest you.

3. Learn how to use nf-core resources and the Seqera Platform

The nf-core project is a worldwide collaborative effort to develop standardized open-source pipelines for a wide range of scientific research applications. It includes over 100 pipelines that are available for use out of the box and well over 1400 process modules that can be integrated into your own projects, as well as a rich set of developer tools.

Seqera Platform is the best way to run Nextflow in practice. It is a cloud-based platform that you can connect to your own compute infrastructure to make it much easier to launch and manage your workflows. The Free Tier is available for free use by everyone (with usage quotas). Qualifying academics can get free Pro-level access (no usage limitations) through the Academic Program.

We are currently developing a short training course demonstrating how to use both of these resources (either independently or in combination). In the meantime, check out the nf-core docs and the Seqera Platform tutorials

That's it for now!

Good luck in your Nextflow journey and don't hesitate to let us know in the Community forum what else we could do to help.