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Hello Nextflow

Hello! You are now on the path to writing reproducible and scalable scientific workflows using Nextflow.

The rise of big data has made it increasingly necessary to be able to analyze and perform experiments on large datasets in a portable and reproducible manner. Parallelization and distributed computing are the best ways to tackle this challenge, but the tools commonly available to computational scientists often lack good support for these techniques, or they provide a model that fits poorly with the needs of computational scientists. Nextflow was particularly created to address these challenges.

During this training, you will be introduced to Nextflow in a series of complementary hands-on workshops.

Let's get started! Click on the "Open in GitHub Codespaces" button below.

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Learning objectives

In this workshop, you will learn foundational concepts for building pipelines.

By the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Describe and utilize core Nextflow components sufficient to build a simple multi-step workflow
  • Describe next-step concepts such as operators and channel factories
  • Launch a Nextflow workflow locally
  • Find and interpret outputs (results) and log files generated by Nextflow
  • Troubleshoot basic issues

Audience & prerequisites

This is a workshop for those who are completely new to Nextflow. Some basic familiarity with the command line, and common file formats is assumed.


  • A GitHub account
  • Experience with command line