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3. Simple RNA-Seq workflow

To demonstrate a real-world biomedical scenario, you will implement a proof of concept RNA-Seq workflow which:

  1. Indexes a transcriptome file
  2. Performs quality controls
  3. Performs quantification
  4. Creates a MultiQC report

This will be done using a series of seven scripts. Each script will build on the previous to create a complete workflow. You can find these in the tutorial folder ( - These scripts will make use of third-party tools that are known by many bioinformaticians:

  1. Salmon is a tool for quantifying molecules known as transcripts through a type of data called RNA-seq data.
  2. FastQC is a tool for quality analysis of high throughput sequence data. You can think of it as a way to assess the quality of your data.
  3. MultiQC searches a given directory for analysis logs and compiles a HTML report for easy viewing. It's a general use tool, perfect for summarizing the output from numerous bioinformatics tools.

Although you may be unfamiliar with these tools, they represent real world bioinformatic tools and will be used to teach you how to use Nextflow to create a workflow.

3.1 Define the workflow parameters

Parameters are inputs and options that can be modified when the workflow is executed.

The script defines three workflow input parameters and uses the groovy println command to print one of these to the console.
params.reads = "$projectDir/data/ggal/gut_{1,2}.fq"
params.transcriptome_file = "$projectDir/data/ggal/transcriptome.fa"
params.multiqc = "$projectDir/multiqc"

println "reads: $params.reads"

Run it by using the following command:

nextflow run

Parameters are special in Nextflow as they can be modified at the time you execute your command, for example:

nextflow run --reads '/workspaces/training/nf-training/data/ggal/lung_{1,2}.fq'

Your output will look something like this:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 23.10.1
Launching `` [big_baekeland] DSL2 - revision: 86d466d737
reads: /workspaces/training/nf-training/data/ggal/lung_{1,2}.fq


Add a fourth parameter named outdir to and give it the string "results".

params.reads = "$projectDir/data/ggal/gut_{1,2}.fq"
params.transcriptome_file = "$projectDir/data/ggal/transcriptome.fa"
params.multiqc = "$projectDir/multiqc"
params.outdir = "results"

The command can be used to print multiline information using groovy’s logger functionality. Instead of writing a series of println commands, it can be used to include a multiline message.
5 """\
    This is
    a multiline


Modify to print all of the workflow parameters by using a single command as a multiline string statement.

See an example here.


Add the following to your script file: """\
    R N A S E Q - N F   P I P E L I N E
    transcriptome: ${params.transcriptome_file}
    reads        : ${params.reads}
    outdir       : ${params.outdir}


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to define parameters in your workflow script
  2. How to pass parameters by using the command line
  3. How to use to print information and save it in the log execution file

3.2 Create a transcriptome index file

Nextflow allows the execution of any command or script by using a process definition.

A process is defined by providing three main declarations:

To add a transcriptome INDEX processing step to your pipeline, you will need to add the following code block to your Alternatively, this code block has already been added to
 * define the `INDEX` process that creates a binary index
 * given the transcriptome file
process INDEX {
    path transcriptome

    path 'salmon_index'

    salmon index --threads $task.cpus -t $transcriptome -i salmon_index

Additionally, you will need to add a workflow scope containing an input channel definition and the index process:
workflow {
    index_ch = INDEX(params.transcriptome_file)

Here, the params.transcriptome_file parameter is used as the input for the INDEX process. The INDEX process (using the salmon tool) creates salmon_index, an indexed transcriptome that is passed as an output to the index_ch channel.


The input declaration defines a transcriptome path variable which is used in the script as a reference (using the dollar symbol) in the Salmon execution command.


Resource requirements such as CPUs and memory limits can change with different workflow executions and platforms. Nextflow can use $task.cpus as a variable for the number of CPUs. See process directives documentation for more details.


Use the nextflow run command to execute

nextflow run

This execution will fail because salmon is not installed in your environment. Fortunately, a docker container image with the salmon software is available and has already been defined in your nextflow.config file.

Nextflow has support for managing the execution of processes in Docker containers. This is useful when you need to execute a process that requires a specific software version or a specific operating system.


Add the command line option -with-docker to launch with the docker container:

nextflow run -with-docker

This time the execution will work because it uses the Docker container nextflow/rnaseq-nf that is defined in the nextflow.config file in your current directory. If you are running this script locally, you will need to download Docker to your machine, log in, activate Docker, and allow the script to download the container containing the run scripts.

You can learn more about Docker here.

To avoid being required to add -with-docker to your execution command every time you execute the script, you can enable docker in your nextflow.config file.


Enable docker by adding docker.enabled = true to your nextflow.config file.

Viewing a channel with the view operator is a useful way to see what is in a channel and is useful for testing and debugging:


Print the output of the index_ch channel by using the view operator.


Add the following to the end of your workflow block in your script file
workflow {
    index_ch = INDEX(params.transcriptome_file)

Directives are used to specify the execution requirements of a process. For example, the cpus directive specifies the number of CPUs required to execute the process. Directives can be added under the process declaration.
process PROCESS_NAME {
    cpus 2


Add the cpus directive to the INDEX process to modify the number of CPUs allocated for its execution.


Add cpus 2 to the top of the index process:
process INDEX {
    cpus 2


You can check the directive has been applied by viewing the script executed in the work directory. Look for the hexadecimal (e.g. work/7f/f285b80022d9f61e82cd7f90436aa4/), then cat the file.

cat work/7f/f285b80022d9f61e82cd7f90436aa4/

Nextflow will organize the process work directory into a series of folders. The hexadecimal folder name is the process identifier. You can view the structure of these files using the tree command.

For example, executing tree work should look something like this:

├── 17
│   └── 263d3517b457de4525513ae5e34ea8
│       ├── index
│       │   ├── complete_ref_lens.bin
│       │   ├── ctable.bin
│       │   ├── ctg_offsets.bin
│       │   ├── duplicate_clusters.tsv
│       │   ├── eqtable.bin
│       │   ├── info.json
│       │   ├── mphf.bin
│       │   ├── pos.bin
│       │   ├── pre_indexing.log
│       │   ├── rank.bin
│       │   ├── refAccumLengths.bin
│       │   ├── ref_indexing.log
│       │   ├── reflengths.bin
│       │   ├── refseq.bin
│       │   ├── seq.bin
│       │   └── versionInfo.json
│       └── transcriptome.fa -> /workspaces/training/data/ggal/transcriptome.fa
├── 7f


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to define a process executing a custom command
  2. How process inputs are declared
  3. How process outputs are declared
  4. How to view a channel
  5. How to add a directive to a process

3.3 Collect read files by pairs

There are numerous channel factories that can be used to create channels. In this step, you will use the fromFilePairs channel factory to create a channel of read pairs.

The fromFilePairs channel factory takes a glob pattern as input and returns a channel of tuples. Each tuple contains two items: the first is the read pair prefix and the second is a list of paths to the read files.

By adding the view operator to the read_pairs_ch channel, you can see the contents of the channel.


Add the read_pairs_ch.view() command to the end of your workflow block in your script file.


Add the following to the end of your workflow block in your script file

It will print something similar to this:

[gut, [/.../data/ggal/gut_1.fq, /.../data/ggal/gut_2.fq]]

The above exercise shows how the read_pairs_ch channel emits tuples composed of two items, where the first is the read pair prefix and the second is a list representing the actual files.

Glob patterns can also be used to create channels of files. For example, the following command creates a channel of all the files in the data/ggal directory:

nextflow run --reads 'data/ggal/*_{1,2}.fq'


File paths that include one or more wildcards ie. *, ?, etc., MUST be wrapped in single-quoted characters to avoid Bash expanding the glob.

The set operator can also be used to define a new channel variable in place of an = assignment.


Use the set operator in place of = assignment to define the read_pairs_ch channel.

    .set { read_pairs_ch }

Channel factories also have options that can be used to modify their behaviour. For example, the checkIfExists option can be used to check if the specified path contains file pairs. If the path does not contain file pairs, an error is thrown. A full list of options can be found in the channel factory documentation.


Use the checkIfExists option for the fromFilePairs channel factory to check if the specified path contains file pairs.

    .fromFilePairs(params.reads, checkIfExists: true)
    .set { read_pairs_ch }


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to use fromFilePairs to handle read pair files
  2. How to use the set operator to define a new channel variable
  3. How to use the checkIfExists option to check for the existence of input files


The declaration of a channel can be before the workflow scope or within it. As long as it is upstream of the process that requires the specific channel.

3.4 Perform expression quantification adds a gene expression QUANTIFICATION process and a call to it within the workflow scope. Quantification requires the index transcriptome and RNA-Seq read pair fastq files.

In the workflow scope, note how the index_ch channel is assigned as output in the INDEX process.

Next, note that the first input channel for the QUANTIFICATION process is the previously declared index_ch, which contains the path to the salmon_index.

Also, note that the second input channel for the QUANTIFICATION process, is the read_pair_ch you just created. This being a tuple composed of two items (a value: sample_id and a list of paths to the fastq reads: reads) in order to match the structure of the items emitted by the fromFilePairs channel factory.

Execute it by using the following command:

nextflow run -resume

You will see the execution of the QUANTIFICATION process.

When using the -resume option, any step that has already been processed is skipped.

Try to execute the same script again with more read files, as shown below:

nextflow run -resume --reads 'data/ggal/*_{1,2}.fq'

You will notice that the QUANTIFICATION process is executed multiple times.

Nextflow parallelizes the execution of your workflow simply by providing multiple sets of input data to your script.


It may be useful to apply optional settings to a specific process using directives by specifying them in the process body.


Add a tag directive to the QUANTIFICATION process to provide a more readable execution log.


Add the following before the input declaration:
    tag "Salmon on $sample_id"



Add a publishDir directive to the QUANTIFICATION process to store the process results in a directory of your choice.


Add the following before the input declaration in the QUANTIFICATION process:
    tag "Salmon on $sample_id"
    publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy'



In this step you have learned:

  1. How to connect two processes together by using the channel declarations
  2. How to resume the script execution and skip cached steps
  3. How to use the tag directive to provide a more readable execution output
  4. How to use the publishDir directive to store a process results in a path of your choice

3.5 Quality control

Next, you will implement a FASTQC quality control step for your input reads (using the label fastqc). The inputs are the same as the read pairs used in the QUANTIFICATION step.

You can run it by using the following command:

nextflow run -resume

Nextflow DSL2 knows to split the reads_pair_ch into two identical channels as they are required twice as an input for both of the FASTQC and the QUANTIFICATION process.

3.6 MultiQC report

This step collects the outputs from the QUANTIFICATION and FASTQC processes to create a final report using the MultiQC tool.

You can execute with the following command:

nextflow run -resume --reads 'data/ggal/*_{1,2}.fq'

It creates the final report in the results folder in the current work directory.

In this script, note the use of the mix and collect operators chained together to gather the outputs of the QUANTIFICATION and FASTQC processes as a single input. Operators can be used in combinations to combine, split, and transform channels.

You will only want one task of MultiQC to be executed to produce one report. Therefore, you can use the mix channel operator to combine the quant_ch and the fastqc_ch channels, followed by the collect operator, to return the complete channel contents as a single element.


Remove the collect operators from the MULTIQC process and run the script again. See what happens.


Modify the workflow block to look like this:
workflow {
        .fromFilePairs(params.reads, checkIfExists: true)
        .set { read_pairs_ch }

    index_ch = INDEX(params.transcriptome_file)
    quant_ch = QUANTIFICATION(index_ch, read_pairs_ch)
    fastqc_ch = FASTQC(read_pairs_ch)

Note how the MULTIQC process is executed 6 times.


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to collect many outputs to a single input with the collect operator
  2. How to mix two channels into a single channel
  3. How to chain two or more operators together

3.7 Handle completion event

This step shows how to execute an action when the workflow completes the execution.

Note that Nextflow processes define the execution of asynchronous tasks ,i.e., they are not executed one after another as if they were written in the workflow script in a common imperative programming language.

The script uses the workflow.onComplete event handler to print a confirmation message when the script completes.

Try to run it by using the following command:

nextflow run -resume --reads 'data/ggal/*_{1,2}.fq'


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to add completion events to your workflow

3.8 Email notifications

Send a notification email when the workflow execution completes using the -N <email address> command-line option.

Note: this requires the configuration of a SMTP server in the nextflow config file. Below is an example nextflow.config file showing the settings you would have to configure:

mail {
    from = '' = ''
    smtp.port = 587
    smtp.user = "xxxxx"
    smtp.password = "yyyyy"
    smtp.auth = true
    smtp.starttls.enable = true
    smtp.starttls.required = true

See mail documentation for details.

3.9 Custom scripts

Real-world workflows use a lot of custom user scripts (BASH, R, Python, etc.). Nextflow allows you to consistently use and manage these scripts. Simply put them in a directory named bin in the workflow project root. They will be automatically added to the workflow execution PATH.

For example, the FASTQC process in could be replaced by creating an executable script named in the bin directory as shown below:

Create a new file named with the following content:
set -e
set -u


mkdir fastqc_${sample_id}_logs
fastqc -o fastqc_${sample_id}_logs -f fastq -q ${reads}

Give it execute permission and move it into the bin directory:

chmod +x
mkdir -p bin
mv bin

Open the file and replace the FASTQC process script block with the following code:
""" "$sample_id" "$reads"


Use the example above to replace the FASTQC process script block in with an executable script.


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to write or use existing custom scripts in your Nextflow workflow
  2. How to avoid the use of absolute paths by having your scripts in the bin/ folder

3.10 Metrics and reports

Nextflow can produce multiple reports and charts providing several runtime metrics and execution information. These can be enabled by using the following command line options:

The -with-report option enables the creation of the workflow execution report.

The -with-trace option enables the creation of a tab separated value (TSV) file containing runtime information for each executed task.

The -with-timeline option enables the creation of the workflow timeline report showing how processes were executed over time. This may be useful to identify the most time consuming tasks and bottlenecks.

Finally, the -with-dag option enables the rendering of the workflow execution direct acyclic graph representation. The dag needs to be given a name (-with-dag dag.png). Note: This feature requires the installation of Graphviz on your computer. See here for further details. You can also output HTML DAGs, and the -preview command my allow you to have a look at an approximate DAG without having to run the pipeline.


Execute and and generate a report (-with-report), trace (-with-trace), timeline (-with-timeline), and dag ('-with-dag dag.png').

nextflow run -with-docker -with-report -with-trace -with-timeline -with-dag dag.png

You can view the DAG by using the following command:

open dag.png

You can view the HTML files by right-clicking on the file name in the left side-bar and choosing the Show Preview menu item.


Run time metrics may be incomplete for runs with short running tasks, as in the case of this tutorial.


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to generate reports and charts for your executions

3.11 Run a project from GitHub

Nextflow allows the execution of a workflow project directly from a GitHub repository (or similar services, e.g., BitBucket and GitLab).

This simplifies the sharing and deployment of complex projects and tracking changes in a consistent manner.

The following GitHub repository hosts a version of the workflow introduced in this tutorial:

You can run it by specifying the project name and launching each task of the execution as a Docker container run command:

nextflow run nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf -with-docker

It automatically downloads the container and stores it in the $HOME/.nextflow folder.

The nextflow info command can be used to show the project information:

nextflow info nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf

Nextflow allows the execution of a specific revision of your project by using the -r command line option. For example:

nextflow run nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf -r v2.1 -with-docker

Revisions are defined by using Git tags or branches defined in the project repository.

Tags enable precise control of the changes in your project files and dependencies over time.


In this step you have learned:

  1. How to execute a project directly from GitHub
  2. How to specify a specific revision of a project